Thechnical Infomation
Vesrah now has a full line of High-Performance Sintered Metal pads. If Japanese O.E. motorcycle is equipped with sintered metal pads, we have them.

Sintered Metal Pads are made of copper, tin, graphite and other metallic elements : completely different products from those of metal powder mixed into organic pads. Vesrah sintered Metal Pads are designed to be compatible with stainless steel rotos :

Vesrah Sintered Metal pad are manufactured for all-weather applications and high temperature stability :

All-Weather Driving : Since metal-metal friction yields high heat and maintain higher temperature without fading than organic pads, water on rotor surface will evaporate almost instantly. Quick Recovery of Braking Power due to Wet conditions.
Stability : At high temperatures, No softening and No vaporizing like organic marerials. Sintered metal maintains same friction coefficients (0.49}0.04) all through the application temperatures
Front vs Rear Pads : They are made differently for maximum efficiency and safty of bike riding : soft braking for front and hard braking for rear application.

Vesrah has the most comprehensive applications for Japanese motorcycles from old to current.
For example some applications start with 1975 models.

(C) Copyright Vesrah Company,Inc.